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Freitag, 05. Juli 2013

Links: Douglas Carl Engelbart (1925 - 2013)

Am 2. Juli 2013 starb der Visionär Douglas Carl Engelbart. Seine Demo von 1968 enthält mehr als 20 Neuheiten zur Erweiterung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten.

"Home - Doug Engelbart Institute", Jul-2013, dougengelbart.org

Zitat: Official website for the Doug Engelbart Institute -- advancing his seminal work on collaborative tools and innovation strategies for boosting our Collective IQ.

"Doug Engelbart 1968 Demo", 1968, sloan.stanford.edu

Zitat: On December 9, 1968, Douglas C. Engelbart and the group of 17 researchers working with him in the Augmentation Research Center at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, presented a 90-minute live public demonstration of the online system, NLS, they had been working on since 1962.

[via: sturadnidge / Hacker News]

Bret Victor, "A few words on Doug Engelbart", 03-Jul-2013, worrydream.com

Zitat: Engelbart had an intent, a goal, a mission. He stated it clearly and in depth. He intended to augment human intellect. He intended to boost collective intelligence and enable knowledge workers to think in powerful new ways, to collectively solve urgent global problems.

[via: llambda / Hacker News]

Robert X. Cringely, "I, Cringely Doug Engelbart, visionary", 03-Jul-2013, I, Cringely

Zitat: Geniuses can be found on every street corner in Silicon Valley, but visionaries are much less common. Geniuses are good at completing tasks while visionaries are the first to recognize tasks that need completion. And of all the visionaries none were greater or had a longer range view than Doug Engelbart, who died last night at age 88.

[via: rbanffy / Hacker News]

Detlef Borchers, "Verstärker für die Menschheit: zum Tode von Douglas Engelbart", 04-Jul-1013, heise online

Zitat: Im Alter von 88 Jahren ist der Erfinder und Zukunftsforscher Douglas C. Engelbart im kalifornischen Atherton am Dienstag nach einem akuten Leberversagen gestorben. Engelbart gilt als der Erfinder der Computermaus, der mit der Mutter aller Demonstrationen im Jahre 1968 die Zukunft des Computers demonstrierte.

Tia O'Brien, "From the archives: Douglas Engelbart's lasting legacy, 1999", 09-Feb-1999, San Jose Mercury News

Zitat: Douglas Engelbart's technological innovations of more than 30 years ago should have placed him at the top of the silicon heap--well above Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Netscape's Marc Andreessen and other luminaries credited with transforming our lives with personal computers, the Internet and the World Wide Web. Their products are all direct descendants of Engelbart's inventions.

Andrew Leonard, "Of mice, men and machines", 15-Dec-1998, Salon.com

Zitat: Doug Engelbart invented the mouse -- and much more. He still dreams of upgrading the human operating system.

Andreas Donath, "1925 - 2013: Mauserfinder Douglas C. Engelbart ist tot", 03-Jul-2013, Golem.de

Zitat: Douglas Carl Engelbart, der Erfinder der Computermaus, ist tot. Er wurde 88 Jahre alt. Engelbart war ein Vordenker des modernen Computers, grafischer Benutzeroberflächen und des Internets.


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